Monday 24 March 2014

Counting in 5's

This week we will practising to count in 5's. Here is a game to help you practise! 

Thursday 6 March 2014

World Book Day

We had a lovely day today celebrating World Book Day! We came into school this morning and shared our favourite stories and photographs with the class. We then read the story 'How to Grow a Dinosaur' and we have spent the day doing lots of fun activities based on the story! Look at our pictures to see what a fun day we had in Year One...

We had lots of fun playing in the mud! We found things from the garden to create our own dinosaur swamp! 

When we were in the swamp we were using lots of story language to come up with a whole group story about the dinosaurs adventures!

We worked well together to create our stories and our swamp!

We even gave the dinosaurs a bath at the end to clean them! 

We used brush to draw and paint our own dinosaurs...
We worked hard to write our own dinosaur stories!

We made some yummy dinosaur biscuits!

We made some masks so we could act out our favourite dinosaur stories...

And we made some funky dinosaur bookmarks! 

 We were writing stories everywhere! 

Just when we thought the day was over we put on our coats and went to read our special books in a special place! We shared our books with our friends and to keep us nice and warm we drank some hot chocolate and marshmallows, and ate our lovely biscuits that we made this morning!

A lovely fun day enjoyed by all. Year One were all superstars today!