In Literacy we are looking at an Animated Tale called 'Something behind the curtain'. We will be exploring different emotions, settings, characters as well as making predictions about the story and writing a letter to the 'thing' behind the curtain! You could practise writing a letter at home. You could write to someone in your family or a friend at school!
In Numeracy we will be learning all about data handling! We will be looking at, and using, tables, lists, pictograms and tally charts to gather and display information.
Create a pictogram
You can also practise reading pictograms on this link...
Reading Pictograms
In topic we will be making a sound story about a journey. We will be thinking of all the sounds you might hear on a journey and how we can create those sounds using instruments and our bodies. We will also be following instructions to make our very own car! We will be following our learning from last week where we made predictions about how to make a train move faster, and seeing if we can predict what will happen when we race our cars!
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