Sunday, 24 November 2013

Sunday, 17 November 2013

A busy week ahead!

This week is National Anti-Bullying Week so we are going to be thinking all about the kind things we can do, and do do, for each other in school. We will be working hard to recognise positive behaviours  in each other and how we can reward these actions to create a super environment to learn and play in....and we will tell you how we have done this in our assembly on Friday!

In Literacy we are going to be looking at stories with predictable and patterned language. As well as looking carefully and picking out key features in fiction books we will also have a go at writing our own text linked to our weekly theme of positive behaviours!

In Numeracy we will be exploring weight! We will be learning how to estimate, compare and measure weights and using measures to solve problems! You could practise at home by ordering a selection of your toys into weight order!

Friday, 8 November 2013

Next Week...

In Literacy we are continuing to learn about Poems and Rhymes and will begin the week by practising to read with rhythm and rhyme! We will be thinking about using describing words in our poem and continue to find and use rhyming words. To support your Literacy learning at home you can see if you can find some poems at home and read them with lots of rhythm! Remember there are some nursery rhymes on our Literacy page that you can sing along to!

At the beginning of the week we will be looking at positions and how to describe positions. Here are some games to support your learning..

Naming positions

Woodland Disco

Towards the end of the week we will be looking at the value of each digit in two digit numbers! We will be using the numicon to explore these numbers! You could practise making teen numbers at home with 10ps and 1ps!
 10p + 1p = 11p

Life Education Van!!

We had a lovely time in the Life Education Van today! We learnt all about the different food groups and how they help our body stay healthy. We met Tammy who showed us what is inside our body and how our food can help give us energy and how this travels around our body! Some people were chosen to light the different organs up with a magic wand!

Then we met Harold! Lots of people remembered Harold from last year so we were very excited about seeing him again! We had a look inside his lunchbox and had to think about what food groups he had and which were missing! We worked out he was missing fruit and suggested some fruits he could put in it to make it a healthy lunch! When it was time to leave we all said thank-you to Harold and some of us even got a kiss! 

Monday, 4 November 2013


Mr Lavis has found us a fun way to check if our snacks are healthy! Today we asked Snacko if our raisins were healthy and he said yes! We found out that there is a lot of sugar in raisins but as we only eat 25g and not 100g we decided this was ok! Check out your snacks at home using this link...

You could see if all the snacks in your lunchbox are healthy!!


From our questions today I have put some games on 'mycity' for you to explore. There is also this game from the BBC schools website where you can practise sorting materials.

Sorting Materials

Here are some videos that might answer some of our questions from today too...
How to make Welly Boots

How to make a Wooly Jumper

Welcome Back!

We have had a lovely first day back after the holidays, everyone was very enthusiastic to find out about what we will be learning this half term which is fantastic! This afternoon we started our topic with a 'speed learning' session! We were put into groups and each group then visited a different station around the hall to learn about different areas of our new topic - we only got 5 minutes at each station!

 By thinking about what we already know we were able to develop our thinking and ask new questions about what we want to learn next! We had a super time! Have a look at the pictures of our speed learning session and read the captions to find out what we want to learn!

We started to think about how clothes are made. We know clothes don't grow in the ground but we aren't too sure how clothes are made or where fabric comes from! Definitely a good area to investigate!
Q: How are clothes made? 
Here we are making predictions and finding out which fabrics are waterproof and which are not!
Q: Why are some clothes waterproof?
Here we are weaving using some cooling racks! It was lots of fun and we made some pretty patterns, but we wondered what weaving has to do with clothes! Another question we will be answering in our topic! 
We looked at lots of books about clothes and found that there are lots of different clothes all over the world. We also had books about what clothes used to be like in the past and wondered why they are different now?
Q: What kinds of clothes do people wear around the world?
Here we had magnifying glasses to explore lots of different types of materials. The materials looked very different up close, and each one looked a little bit different. We will be exploring lots of different types of materials in our topic!
Q: What are different materials used for?